PHHS Interact 7th June 2016 - Patrick

PHHS Interact, 7th June 2016.

This week the school is in transition, with Year 13 students (inc. outgoing Interact Committee members) doing revision and exams and effectively having left, a phased return from half-term and the addition of new students. There were eventually about 8 girls in attendance, some of whom were Year 12 students finding out more about Interact.  So the meeting was exploratory, with Barbara Taylor doing much of the talking and suggesting activities for the short term and for the rest of the Summer. 

Next Tuesday, 14th June, with the whole school back, the meeting will elect its new committee under new Pres. Jilly, who was there briefly.

On Friday 10th June, the Queen’s birthday, there is to be a school picnic organised by Year 9 and various activities are planned to raise money as part of a national schools’ project promoted by the Queen’s Commissioner - £90 target (don’t ask) for each school that signs up to raise a national fund for various causes – not specified.  Interact plans to sell ice cream at the event.

Various topics: Articles about Interact for the Henrician magazine had not been received from the previous members and Barbara was pushing for last minute items, some of which were written on the spot. Movie Night – the previous two had had little success and ideas were invited to adjust the event from a timing and attraction angle and target Year 9 students who would benefit from a social event outside their normal class groups.  Other ideas to get people together out of school hours will be explored.  Next year, a themed fashion show (popular idea); also a disco. I mentioned Bridge the Gap – Barbara said more strips would be done next week when everyone is back, but the total will not be as great as before, for reasons we need to understand – mainly timing.
